Tokyo, Japan - World's Best Places to Visit

Tokyo is Japan's capital and the world's most populated metropolis. It is also one of Japan's 47 regions, containing of 23 central city wards and numerous cities, towns and villages west of the city center. Now, Tokyo offers a seemingly indefinite choice of shopping, entertainment, culture and dining to its tourists. The city's history can be valued in districts such as Asakusa and in many outstanding museums, historic temples and gardens. 

Contrary to common perception, Tokyo also offers a number of attractive green spaces in the city center and within moderately short train rides at its outskirts.  "Animated" is perhaps the best word to describe Tokyo. Crazy about its anime, Japan's mega city is continuously buzzing with movement feet clacking down sidewalks, cars zooming along streets, subway trains humming below ground, ships cruising in and out. 

And yet bright lights and loud signs beg you to pause, to break your motion for just one second to pay at the table of consumerism. This is a city that feeds on motion and improvement. But when you want to stop in Tokyo, the city will positively make it worth your while. The tech savvy locals may whizz past the monuments and urban parks daily (except during the cherry blossom season when everyone floods the green space), but, we guarantee, the museums and historical sites are world class. What are you waiting for? Visit now and know the culture of Tokyo in Japan.

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